Yahoo! belongs to the U.S.-based Verizon Media and is operated by the Taiwan branch of the Hong Kong-based Yahoo Information Co., Ltd. in Taiwan. There is not much news about Yahoo’s political stance; yet, there are many netizens who claim the news reported by Yahoo! is pro-China and that news critical of the Taiwanese government, especially the DDP, stays on the homepage for a long time.
Score Analysis
Ownership, Shareholders and Political Activity: -1
Yahoo! is operated by the Taiwan branch of Hong Kong-based Yahoo Information Co., Ltd. (香港商雅虎資訊股份有限公司台灣分公司) on behalf of Verizon Media Taiwan. The person in charge was Taiwanese 鄒開蓮 Kai-Lien Tsou, and after 2020 林振德 Chen-Te Lin took place. The score here considers that the consumer data that is “owned” by a HK company has no guarantee that China wouldn’t get access to that data; also, there is not much information about the company, Hong Kong-based Yahoo Information Co., Ltd. Therefore, we’re cautiously giving a -1 here.
Media Reputation, Public Controversy and Boycott Calls:
Many sellers were unhappy with the raised transaction fee charged by Yahoo! Auctions, and they planned to form a guild to boycott Yahoo! Auctions in 2006. Here is no deduction but just mention it since it was the only boycott we found.
Other -3
The most controversial with Yahoo! is the news it reported. The political stance of the Yahoo portal is not entirely clear, but many netizens find that its news reports are biased and pro-China. Netizens discussed the issue on PTT, showing that the comments on Sunflower Movement (太陽花學運) disappeared. In the news published on Yahoo’s homepage, a large number of news appears from pro-Chinese media such as United Daily News (聯合), China times (中時), and TVBS. Moreover, many claims that news that appears harmful to the Taiwanese government is usually on its homepage for a long time, compared to entertainment news or positive news about Taiwan. Accordingly, many netizens suspected that Yahoo has a pro-China stance; therefore, -3 for Yahoo.
Basic Information
Ownership | Verizon Media (威訊媒體) |
Leadership | CEO: Guru Gowrappan (2017-now) Marissa Mayer (2012-2017) |
Revenue | NT$144.00 billion |
Shareholders | Foreign Owned (外資) |
Website | tw.bid.yahoo.com |
Data Collection
Yahoo!奇摩購物中心前身是超大型虛擬網路購物中心,賣場分為三大區塊:大型3C賣場、量販店及網路大型百貨公司,擁有13大商品類別,40萬件以上的豐富商品,超過2500家供應商。根據MIC (2007) Yahoo!奇摩購物中心已連續四年蟬連網友最常造訪之購物網站,平均每天有超過70萬不重複造訪人次,每月不重覆瀏覽人數為500萬人,是深受台灣網友喜愛的綜合型網路購物通路。http://bundlelli.blogspot.com/2011/11/yahoo-httpbuy.html
The headquartered of Verizon locates in New York City, with revenue of 130.9 billion U.S. dollars in 2018. It is a US telecommunications company and forms a media ecosystem for consumers through its brands such as Yahoo, TechCrunch and HuffPost.
Yahoo 奇摩 is one of the Taiwan portals. It is the Taiwan version of the Verizon Media portal Yahoo. It is operated by the Taiwan branch of Hong Kong-based Yahoo Information Co., Ltd. (香港商雅虎資訊股份有限公司台灣分公司) on behalf of Verizon Media Taiwan. The website was established after the merger of Yahoo Taiwan and 奇摩 in October 2001, and the website continued to use Yahoo Taiwan’s “tw.yahoo.com“. Because of the merger, the name of Yahoo’s service in Taiwan is partly different from the “Yahoo!” brand commonly used in the rest of the world, but the account is globally shared. (wiki)
Person in Charge: 鄒開蓮 KAI-LIEN, ROSE, TSOU change to 林振德CHEN-TE, PETER, LIN
Apollo spends NT$140 billion to acquire Yahoo and AOL
Verizon will receive $4.25 billion in cash from the sale, as well as its 10% stake in the company. Verizon Media itself will be directly renamed back to “Yahoo”, and the parent company Verizon will continue to hold a 10% stake in Yahoo. Verizon and Apollo said they expect the transaction to be completed in the second half of 2021.
Seller plans to form a guild to boycott Yahoo! Auctions
Protest against Yahoo! auctions collecting transaction fees. Many Yahoo! auction sellers have reached a consensus and intend to use organizational power to put pressure on Yahoo! Auctions, otherwise, the sellers will move to other platforms and boycott Yahoo! Auctions.
The political stance of the Yahoo portal is limited on the Internet, but many netizens find that its news reports are biased and pro-China. The netizens discussed the issue on PTT that the comments on Sunflower Movement (太陽花學運) disappeared. In the news published on the Yahoo homepage, a large number of news from pro-Chinese media such as United Daily News (聯合), China times (中時), TVBS, etc. are used. Moreover, as long as it is news that can hit the Taiwanese government, it can usually be posted on its homepage for a long time, unlike entertainment news or life news is updated rapidly.
According to the analysis of political tendencies of different media in Taiwan of Liu Daiyi, it is observed that within the same media group, different channels still have different news reporting modes; for example, Apple Daily and the news of realtime are from the same group, but realtime has much fewer emotional words than the page of Apply Daily.
The graphs of the comparison of various media sentiment in Taiwan show below.) Method: Code in R. Select each media and use the fan page as the category to view, and fix the XY-axis unit to facilitate comparison.

The emotional/sentiment distribution of China Times (中時) news broadcast is much higher than that of other media, while the distribution of the United Daily newspaper is relatively flat.

In the media classification of various factions, the pro-green media or pro-blue media in the expression of political events have more emotional expression. Pro-blue media includes China Times, yahoo news, and China TV News that emotional fluctuations are greater; pro-green media includes Taiwan People News (民報), Storm Media Group (風傳媒), Newtalk (新頭殼), SET News (三立新聞) that emotional changes are more obvious.
Pro-China Media Summary (wiki)